Did you know you have the best source for your drinking water right in your kitchen? So many times we think the water is purer in a bottle or from a spring, but ask yourself this question - "Why do I use a refrigerator to keep my food cold, rather than an ice box? " Of course, you have a refrigerator because you trust both energy and refrigeration technology. With a good refrigerator, you don't have to lug home ice to keep your food cold, and with a good water filter, you don't have to lug home bottles of water for your drinking and cooking needs. You can trust technology! Therefore, how do you find the best water purifier for your home? You will easily know which water system you will be happier with, by simply completing the following exercise:

If you are drinking bottled water begin with STEP 1 A.

If you are drinking tap water, (Click Here) for our recommendation.

STEP 1A: If you are using bottled water, pick up one of your bottles and look at the label. Many times certain ingredients are listed on each bottle of water. If so, look for Total Dissolved Solids, Hardness, and pH written on the label, and write down the results. If not, go to: bottledwaterweb.com and see if your brand of bottled water is listed. If they're not listed on this site, and if you don't see these items listed on the label of the bottle, simply call up the bottler of your water (they usually have an 800 number listed with the 800 directory) and ask them this question:
"Please tell me the normal amounts of Tds, Hardness, and pH. Also, I would like to know how high they range." Write down the results below.


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If you have been drinking tap water (Click Here) for our recommendation. If you have been drinking bottled water, scroll up to Step 1A above, and follow the instructions.


STEP 1B: Call the supplier for your tap water, and ask to speak with a water chemist or someone at the water company who can help you find out the normal amounts of the following 9 items, as well as how high these same 9 items range - this is very important. Remember, ask to speak with someone at the water company who can give you the normal amounts of these 9 items, as well as how high they range. Go ahead and write down the results.


Tds:___ Hardness:___ pH:___ Residual chlorine:___ Iron:___ Manganese:___ Fluoride:___ Turbidity:___ PSI:___


Click NEXT For STEP 2
